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Random Thoughts

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

Think about this, Our whole existence is fashioned around servitude a obedience to the creator. With out question or hesitation we are to carry out the instructions that were set in place for us to live a righteous life. (Or to seek it) Living and loving as humbly as we can by being not just a light to the nations but to the world. I'm not truly sure people know exactly what this is speaking of.

Let's use the expression "he wouldn't hurt a fly"

One seeking righteous would think first before even harming a creature/creation of TMH. Allowing even the littlest of bugs to continue on its life cycle shows fear,love and respect for TMH's creative abilities and infinite wisdom put into the grand design of the world.

See we seem to think that love is unconditional. In many ways we can tip the scale on this one.When we find a mate, been with them for a couple months or so and they cheat. The love you have for them may not go away but it definitely lessens. Even before you get with him/her you set CONDITIONS and rules to the relationship right?

A parent doesn't possess the "unconditional " love because even we have breaking points. We may still love that child but it isn't as strong as it was before they committed the offense(s). With that being said why would we think the creator of heaven and earth have "unconditional " love if in Exodus 20 he gives us the conditions of his love and blessings. Also he tells us of these same conditions all throughout the Torah.

A crazy fact..

We don't even poses the power to wake ourselves upon our own with each new day. So what makes us think that we have the power to solve problems that may arise in our lives? It was a reason why TMH gave our ancestors 1 meal a day in the wilderness.


He wanted us to trust in him BLINDLY knowing in our hearts that he alone will come through for us and take care of our needs. We often tend to seek the help of our families, friends and neighbors when we get in a tight spot. Neglecting the sheer power and mercy of TMH. Instead of going to man first. Pray and ask TMH for the help. I mean who do you think brought the hard time into your life?

So it only makes sense to pray to the source.

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